Baby Shower Blessing

Baby Shower Blessing

Ceremonies for a new mom and new baby have been around for ions. Today most ceremonies surround the baby, but something called “The Blessing Way” is making a comeback. This is a time you bring together you female friends and family to hold space for you and the journey you are on. It is a time to acknowledge the profound transformation you are about to undergo, whether it is your first, second or last baby.

Each birth brings a new being and therefore a new experience. Ask any woman if any of her birth experiences were the same. As a culture, we’ve forgotten to honor the journey into motherhood as a rite of passage. And this forgetfulness has led to a collective amnesia of the innate wisdom and strength a woman carries to co-create, birth, and raise her babies.

The Blessing Way is a traditional Navajo ritual that honors the mother-to-be and blesses her journey of birth and becoming. It reminds the mother how supported she is from within and all around her.

Each time I have created this for an expectant woman, it has been a little different. It is usually done at the Baby Shower, but a special event can be created for this ceremony.

Whatever is created, the mother-to-be leaves with a loving sense of support and encouragement.

The ceremony lasts 20 to 30-minutes and the fee starts at $350.00

Baby Blessing

A Baby Blessing Ceremony is a special way of celebrating the birth of a child and welcoming the new arrival into the family and the wider community. This ceremony can be for both new born babies and adopted children.

There are two types of Baby Blessing Ceremonies. One is called a Christening or Baptism, and the other is called a Naming Ceremony.


The Christening and Baptism is religious, while the Naming Ceremony is not. I can also design a ceremony that combines both.

Every ceremony is unique and offers the flexibility to meet the personal needs, traditions and wishes of the family. I would be truly honored to perform your child’s welcoming ceremony and am happy to personalize the ceremony using your own selection of words, poems and readings, or passages and texts from other sources… let me help you create a special memory that you will always cherish!

Baby Blessing Package starts at $350.00.